Facial Spray…Geranium Essential Oil, The Happy-Healing Oil!

I love geranium essential oil. It smells fabulous! It instantly uplifts me; and I almost can’t help but smile and sigh. It really is that nice. I like to put this oil in my facial oils, perfumes, lotions, and facial mists that I make. Sometimes just a swipe of this scent on my wrist is all I need to keep me going.

Geranium essential oil not only smells good it’s wonderful for the skin; It balances the facial skin at the same time it’s very healing. Geranium EO is great for a myriad of issues such as eczema, bruises, burns, wound healing, repelling insects, and getting rid of ring worm too! (among other things) Geranium also is helpful for PMS, depression, anxiety, stress. So you see why I love this oil. It’s the happy healing oil!

Make sure you trust where you are buying your oils from and they are very good oils and not synthetic. Synthetic oils can be really harmful.

If you are looking to try essential oils, give geranium essential oil a shot. It’s one of my favorite oils.  You can add a few drops to lotions and sprays you are already using.  Make a simple perfume oil and dab on your pulse points for an uplifting feel all day. (I will post a recipe on that later if anyone is interested.)

Here is a facial spray I make. Best to keep refrigerated for longer lasting freshness (also feels intensely refreshing on a warm day or hot flashes anyone?) but you will most likely use it all before it expires. Right now mine is in my apothecary cabinet which is in a dark area of the house.

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You will need:
1 one 3oz bottle (The darker the better; as you can see mine is clear, but that was what I had on hand and as I’ve said, I keep it in a dark place.)

2 tablespoons witch hazel (if you can find rose witch hazel; sub out for the plain.  Smells wonderful. I like Thayers Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Rose Petal 12 fl oz)

2 tablespoons distilled water

1/2 teaspoon glycerin

10 drops of almond oil

10 drops of geranium essential oil

5 drops of lavender essential oil

Tip: I use a small funnel and pour everything in the bottle as I go. You can use a glass measuring cup with a pour spout to mix everything together, then pour into your bottle.
Shake before using every time.
Spray liberally. I find myself spritzing my face 2-3 times a day. (Sometimes more! 😉 )
Can use as a body spray too! Nice double duty! Love that!