Help your sensitive skin by using natural ingredients.

I’ve used all of these homemade concoctions! Love them!

Smashing Glitter

I’ve been sick for days now. When I am sick, my skin becomes very sensitive. I can’t use traditional cleansers to wash my face without my skin feeling dry and irritated. Because of this I normally make my own face washes and masks. The best part about these homemade face products is that the ingredients can easily be found in your kitchen!

Honey – Honey is a natural humectant, which means that it can help retain moisture. Not only does it help to put moisture into your face, but honey can also kill bacteria. It is a great skin softener as well. Apply a teaspoon amount of honey to your face and massage it into your skin. Leave it on your face for ten minutes or so. Not going to lie, I have left honey on my skin for a half hour before! Nothing bad will happen from leaving honey…

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